English translations of Dutch laws and legislation



Many Dutch laws have been translated into English. This list sets out the title of the law in the first column, the English translation with hyperlink in the second column and the date and source of the translation (if available) in the third column. Translations have no legal force; reference should always be made to the Dutch original.


Aanpassingsdecree vierde tranche Awb

Decree amending the General Administrative Law Act (Fourth Tranche)

No translation available

Aanpassingswet vierde tranche Awb

Act implementing the General Administrative Law Act (Fourth Tranche)

No translation available


Environmental Activities Decree

No translation available


Act on Advocates

As of 13 July 2002

Netherlands Bar Association


Waste Products Act

No translation available

Algemene Douanewet (Adw)

General Customs Act

No translation available

Algemene termijnenwet (Atw)

General Extension of Time-Limits Act

No translation available

Algemene wet bestuursrecht (AwB)

General Administrative Law Act

28 July 2012; Ministry of Justice

Algemene Wet Bijzondere Ziektekosten (AWBZ)

Exceptional Medical Expenses Act


No translation available

Algemene wet gelijke behandeling (Awgb)

Equal Treatment Act

As of 2 March 1994; Equal Treatment Commission

Algemene wet inzake rijksbelastingen (Awr)

State Taxes Act (STA)

No translation available

Ambtenarenwet (Aw)

Central and Local Government Personnel Act

As of 1 March 2006

Article 125 (integrity)

Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations

Arbeidsomstandighedenwet (ARBO-wet)

Working Conditions Act

As of 19 March 2008

Netherlands Focal Point for Safety and Health at Work


Working Conditions Decree

As of 19 March 2008

Netherlands Focal Point for Safety and Health at Work


Working Conditions Regulation

Working Conditions Regulation Annexes

As of 19 March 2008

Netherlands Focal Point for Safety and Health at Work


Copyright Act 1921

Unofficial translation by the Ministry of Justice


Bank Act



Publication Act

No translation available

Beleidsregel reikwijdte geconsolideerd en solotoezicht op beleggingsondernemingen en kredietinstellingen Wft

Policy Rule on the Scope of Consolidated and Solo Supervision of Investment Firms and Credit Institutions FSA

23 July 2008, DNB


Appeals Act

No translation available

Besluit aangewezen staten Wft

Order on Designated States under the FSA

No translation available

Besluit Actuele Waarde

Actual Value Decree

Companies and Business Legislation of the Netherlands

Companies and Business Legislation of the Netherlands, Warendorf (1 January 2005)

Besluit bekostiging financieel toezicht

Decree on Funding of Financial Supervision (AmvB 1)

No translation available

Besluit bestuurlijke boetes financiële sector

Decree on administrative penalties under financial legislation

No translation available

Besluit boetes Wft

Decree on fines pursuant to the Financial Supervision Act (AMvB 3)

[Repealed as of 1 August 2009]


Besluit bijzondere prudentiële maatregelen, beleggerscompensatie en depositogarantie Wft

Decree on Special Prudential Measures, Investor Compensation and Deposit Guarantees FSA (AmvB 6)

As of 12 October 2006

Ministry of Finance

Besluit definitiebepalingen Wft

Decree on Definitions FSA (AmvB 2)

As of 12 October 2006, Ministry of Finance

In-house translation: Definition of Professional Market Parties

Besluit externe veiligheid inrichtingen (Bevi)

External safety (establishments) decree

No translation available

Besluit financieel toetsingskader pensioenfondsen

Pension Fund (Financial Assessment Framework) Decree

No translation available

Besluit financiële dienstverlening

Financial Services Decree

2006, AFM

Besluit financiële zekerheid milieubeheer

Financial Security (Environmental Management) Decree

2003, VROM

Besluit fiscale waarderingsgrondslagen

Uniform Fiscal Valuation Principles Decree

Companies and Business Legislation of the Netherlands


Besluit Gedragstoezicht financiële ondernemingen Wft (Bgfo)

Decree on Conduct of Business Supervision of Financial Undertakings FSA (AmvB 8)

12 October 2006

Ministry of Finance


Besluit gereglementeerde markten Wft

Decree on Regulated Markets

As of 1 November 2007

No translation available

Besluit inzake gedekte obligaties

Decree regarding covered bonds

Decree of 3 June 2008, amending the Decree on Prudential Rules FSA (Besluit prudentiële regels Wft) and the Decree on the Supervision of Market Firms FSA (Besluit gedragstoezicht financiële ondernemingen Wft) regarding covered bonds. DNB

Besluit luchtkwaliteit

Air Quality Decree

No translation available

Besluit marktmisbruik Wft

Decree on Market Abuse FSA (AmvB 10)

12 October 2006

Ministry of Finance

Besluit markttoegang financiële ondernemingen Wft (Bmfo)

Decree on Market Access of Financial Firms FSA (AmvB 4)

12 October 2006

Ministry of Finance

Besluit melding zeggenschap en kapitaalbelang in uitgevende instellingen

Decree on the Disclosure of Holdings and Capital Interest in Issuing Institutions (AmvB 9)

12 October 2006

Ministry of Finance

Besluit openbare biedingen Wft

Public Offers (Financial Supervision Act) Decree (AmvB 11)

2 September 2007

Ministry of Finance

Besluit prudentiële regels Wft

Decree on Prudential Rules FSA (AmvB 5)

12 October 2006

Ministry of Finance

Besluit prudentieel toezicht financiële groepen Wft

Decree on the Prudential Supervision Financial Groups FSA (AmvB 7)

12 October 2006

Ministry of Finance

Besluit reikwijdtebepalingen Wft

Decree on the Scope FSA (AmvB 4a)

12 October 2006

Ministry of Finance

Besluit Risico’s Zware Ongevallen 1999

Major Accidents (Risks) Decree 1999

As of 19 March 2008

Netherlands Focal Point for Safety and Health at Work

Besluit toezicht accountantsorganisaties (Bta)

Decree on the Supervision of Audit Firms

23 March 2007

Ministry of Finance

Besluit uitvoering Pensioenwet en Wet verplichte beroepspensioenregeling

Decree on the Implementation of the Pension Act and the Obligatory Occupational Pension Schemes Act

No translation available

Besluit Werkwijze Commissie Gelijke Behandeling


Decree determining procedures of the Equal Treatment Commission of 29 July 1994

29 July 1994

Equal Treatment Commission

Besluit tot wijziging van de bijlage, bedoeld in artikel 9c van de Wet financiële betrekkingen buitenland 1994

Decree of 15 November 2005 in amendment of the annex meant in 9c of the Foreign Financial Relations Act 1994



Building Decree

2003, VROM

The full text of the Dutch Building Decree can be found under the following:

Burgerlijk Wetboek, Boek 1 (NBW)

Dutch Civil Code, Book 1

Family law legislation of the Netherlands, includes translation of procedural and transitional provisions and private international law legislation, Sumner (2003) B.1.0.4

Burgerlijk Wetboek, Boek 2 (NBW)

Dutch Civil Code, Book 2

Companies and Business Legislation of the Netherlands

  • Companies and Other Legal Persons, Warendorf (July 2007) B.2.2.1 

Burgerlijk Wetboek, Boek 3 (NBW)

Dutch Civil Code, Book 3

Companies and Business Legislation of the Netherlands

  • New Netherlands Civil Code, Patrimonial Law in general, Haanappel & MacKaay (1990) B.0.11 

Burgerlijk Wetboek, Boek 4 (NBW)

Dutch Civil Code, Book 4

Inheritance law legislation of the Netherlands: a translation of Book 4 of the Dutch Civil Code, procedural provisions and private international law legislation, Sumner (2005).

Burgerlijk Wetboek, Boek 5 (NBW)

Dutch Civil Code, Book 5

Companies and Business Legislation of the Netherlands

  • New Netherlands Civil Code, Real Rights, Haanappel & MacKaay (1990) B.0.11 

Burgerlijk Wetboek, Boek 6 (NBW)

Dutch Civil Code, Book 6

Companies and Business Legislation of the Netherlands

  • Netherlands Business Legislation, Haanappel; New Netherlands Civil Code Patrimonial Law, Haanappel Haanappel & MacKaay (1990) B.0.11 

Burgerlijk Wetboek, Boek 7 (NBW)

Dutch Civil Code, Book 7

Companies and Business Legislation of the Netherlands

  • New Netherlands Civil Code, Special Contracts, Haanappel & MacKaay (1990) B 0.11 

  • Section 7:646-7:649 – translation CGB 

Burgerlijk Wetboek, Boek 8 (NBW)

Dutch Civil Code, Book 8

New Netherlands Civil Code, Means of Traffic and Transport, Haanappel & MacKaay (1990) B.0.11

Code Banken

Provisional Banking Code

Nederlandse Vereniging van Banken

8 September 2009

Comptabiliteitswet 2001

Government Accounts Act

Official translation


Database Act

Act of 8 July 1999 relating to the adaptation of Dutch legislation to Directive 96/9/EC of the European Parliament and the Council of 11 March 1996 on the legal protection of databases. Unofficial translation by the Ministry of Justice


Electricity Act

1998 – this document has not been updated to include recent changes in legislation.

2008, Amendment of the Electricity Act 1998 and the Gas Act for the purpose of improving the operation of the electricity and gas market, Ministry of Economic Affairs

Flora- en Faunawet

Flora and Fauna Act

No translation available


Bankruptcy Act

As of 1 January 2003

International Insolvency Institute – www.iiiglobal.org


Rules of the 2008 Credit Guarantee Scheme of the State of the Netherlands

As of 18 February 2009


Gas Act

As of 2000

2008, Amendment of the Electricity Act 1998 and the Gas Act for the purpose of improving the operation of the electricity and gas market, Ministry of Economic Affairs


Court Bailiffs Act

2001, Ministry of Justice


Municipalities Acts

Translations of articles 108, 121-124, 147, 149, 154, 156, 160, 165-169, 268, 279 in Constitutional Law of the Netherlands, Besselink, ed.


Land Development Act

No translation

Commentary on the Act as of November 2007 by VROM

Grondwet (Gw)

Constitution of the Kingdom of the Netherlands 2002

Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations


Nuisance Act

No translation available

Invoerings- en aanpassingswet Wft

FSA Implementation and Amendment Act

No translation available


Land Registry Act

No translation available

Kernenergiewet (Kew)

Nuclear Energy Act

No translation available

Machtigingswet Koninklijke PTT Nederland

PTT Nederland NV Enabling Act

No translation available


Competition Act

Companies and Business Legislation of the Netherlands


Media Decree

No recent translation: this translation reflects changes in the Act to December 2000


Media Act

No recent translation available; this translation reflects changes until the Decree of 21 May 2001


Mining Act

NL Olie- en Gasportaal. Same site has translations of the Mining Decree (Mijnbouwbesluit) and the Mining Regulation (Mijnbouwregeling)


Monuments & Historic Buildings Act

No translation available

Nadere Regeling financiële dienstverlening (NRfd)

Further Regulation on Financial Services

As of 7 April 2006; replaced by (inter alia) Wft/Nrgfo/Bgfo


Nadere Regeling gedragstoezicht financiële ondernemingen Wft (Nrgfo)

Further Regulation on Supervision of Market Conduct Financial Firms FSA

AFM (does not include amendments of 27 January 2009)

Nadere voorschriften omtrent de inhoud van het jaarverslag

Further Requirements in Respect of the Contents of Annual Reports

Companies and Business Legislation of the Netherlands


Natuurbeschermingswet 1998

Nature Conservation Act 1998

No translation available

Nederlandse corporate governance code

Dutch Corporate Governance Code

As of 10 December 2008

Commission Corporate Governance


Soil Removal Act

No translation available

Organisatiewet Kadaster

Land Registry Organisation Act

No translation available

Pensioenwet (Pw)

Pension Act

As of 1 January 2007: replaces the Pensions and Savings Funds Act (Pensioen- en spaarfondsenwet, PSW)



Provinces Act

No translation available

Regeling aanvullend prudentieel toezicht kredietinstellingen, beleggingsondernemingen, levensverzekeraars en schedeverzekeraars in een groep en in een financieel conglomeraat

Regulation on Supplemental Prudential Supervision of Credit Institutions, Investment Firms, Life Insurers and Indemnity Insurers in a Group and in a Financial Conglomerate


Regeling afgeschermde rekeningen Wft

Regulation on Protected Accounts FSA


Regeling liquiditeit Wft

Regulation on Liquidity FSA


Regeling prudentieel toezicht financiële groepen Wft

Supervisory Regulation on Prudential Supervision of Financial Groups FSA

As of 1 January 2007


Regeling Risico’s Zware Ongevallen 1999

Hazards of Major Accidents Regulation

As of 19 March 2008

Netherlands Focal Point for Safety and Health at Work

Regeling solvabiliteitseisen voor het kredietrisico Wft

Regulation on Solvency Requirements for Credit Risk FSA


Regeling solvabiliteitseisen voor het marktrisico Wft

Regulation on Solvency Requirements for Market Risk FSA


Regeling solvabiliteitseisen voor het operationeel risico Wft

Regulation on Solvency Requirements for Operational Risk FSA


Regeling solvabiliteitsmarge en technische voorzieningen verzekeraars

Regulation on Solvency Margins and Technical Provisions Insurers

No translation available

Regeling staten financiële ondernemingen

Regulation on Reporting Forms for Financial Firms


Reparatiebesluit Wft

Financial Supervision Act Repairs Decree

No translation available

Reparatiewet Wft

Financial Supervision Act Repairs Bill

No translation available


Patent Act


Rijkswet goedkeuring en bekendmaking verdragen

Approval and Publication of Treaties Act

Constitutional Law of the Netherlands, Besselink, ed

Rijkswet vrijwillige zetelverplaatsing van rechtspersonen

Act of the Kingdom on the Voluntary Transfer of the Seat of Legal Persons

Companies and Business Legislation of the Netherlands


Rijkswet zetelverplaatsing door de Overheid van rechtspersonen en instellingen

Act of the Kingdom on the Transfer of the Seat of Legal Persons and Institutions by the Government

Companies and Business Legislation of the Netherlands


Sanctiewet 1977

Sanctions Act 1977

Council of Europe

Telecommunicatiewet (Tw)

Telecommunications Act (2004)

No recent English translation

Amendments to the Telecommunications Act and a number of other Acts in relation to the implementation of European legislation

Dutch Telecommunications Law, Eijsvoogel

Tijdelijke regeling MiFID

[Temporary rules MiFID]

Repealed as of 12 February 2009

Tijdelijke regeling invoering MiFID

[Temporary rules implementing MiFID]

Repealed as of 12 February 2009


Transport Infrastructure Planning Act

No translation available. Also called: Route Act

Uitvoeringsregeling Wft

FSA Implementing Regulation

As of 8 November 2007

Ministry of Finance

Uitvoeringswet verordening Europese vennootschap

European Companies (SE) Implementation Act

Companies and Business Legislation of the Netherlands

Uitvoeringswet verordening Europese coöperatieve vennootschap

European Cooperative Societies (SCE) Implementation Act

Companies and Business Legislation of the Netherlands

Uitvoeringswet verordening tot instelling Europese economische samenwerkingsverbanden

European Economic Interest Groupings Implementation Act

Companies and Business Legislation of the Netherlands

Vrijstellingsbesluit Wbp

Dutch Data Protection (Exemptions) Decree

No translation available

Vrijstellingsbesluit overnamebiedingen Wft

Exemption Decree Takeover Bids FSA

No translation available

In-house translation of Section 2 (control)

Vrijstellingsregeling Wft

Exemption Regulations pursuant to the Financial Supervision Act

As of 8 November 2007

Ministry of Finance

Vrijstellingsregeling (Wfd)

Exemption Regulations pursuant to the Financial Services Act

As of 8 June 2006


Vrijstellingsregeling Wet toezicht trustkantoren

Exemption Regulations on the Act on the Supervision of Trust Offices

No translation available


The Water Act

[end 2009]

Wegenverkeerswet (WVW)

Road Traffic Act

No translation available

Wet algemene bepalingen van omgevingsrecht

Environmental Licensing Act

No translation available

Wet op de bedrijfsorganisatie (WBO)

Industrial Organisation Act


Wet beheer rijkswaterstaatswerken (Wbr)

Public Works and Water Management Act

No translation available

Wet Algemene Bepalingen Milieuhygiëne (WABM)

Environmental Protection Act

No translation available

Wet behoud van cultuurbezit

National Cultural Heritage Act

Ministry of Justice

Wet bescherming persoonsgegevens (Wbp)

Personal Data Protection Act

Also: Dutch Act on the Protection of Personal Data (DAPPD)

Unofficial translation

Wet bodembescherming (Wbb)

Soil Protection Act

No translation available

Soil Quality Decree

Wet collectieve afwikkeling massaschade (Wcam)

Class Action (Financial Settlement) Act

Also: Act on Collective Settlement of Mass Damages (CSMDA)


Wet conflictenrecht corporaties

Conflict of Laws (Corporations) Act

Companies and Business Legislation of the Netherlands

Companies and Other Legal Persons, Warendorf (1997) B.2.0.2

Wet conflictenrecht goederenrecht

Conflict of Laws (Property) Act

Companies and Business Legislation of the Netherlands

Wet conflictenrecht onrechtmatige daad (WCOD)

Conflict of Laws (Torts) Act

Companies and Business Legislation of the Netherlands

Wet op de Dividendbelasting 1965

Dividend Tax Act

No translation available

Wet op de economische delicten (Wed)

Economic Offences Act

No translation available

Wet op de Europese Ondernemingsraden (WEOR)

European Works Councils Act

23 January 1997

Wet financiële betrekkingen buitenland 1994

External Financial Relations Act 1994


Wet financiële dienstverlening (Wfd)

Financial Services Act

As of 12 May 2005 (no longer in force); merged into FSA

Provided by the AFM

Wet op het financieel toezicht (Wft)

Financial Supervision Act (FSA)

As of 1 April 2009; Ministry of Finance


Wet op de formeel buitenlandse vennootschappen

Pro Forma Foreign Companies Act

Companies and Business Legislation of the Netherlands

Wet inzake de geldtransactiekantoren (Wgt)

Money Transactions Offices Act (MTOA)

Ministry of Finance

Wet gelijke behandeling op grond van handicap of chronische ziekte (WGBH/CZ)

Equal Treatment (Disability and Chronic Illness) Act

Dutch Equal Treatment Commission

Wet gelijke behandeling op grond van leeftijd bij de arbeid (WGBL)

Equal Treatment in Employment (Age Discrimination) Act

Dutch Equal Treatment Commission

Wet gelijke behandeling mannen en vrouwen (WGB)

Equal Treatment in Employment (men and women) Act

1980, Ministry of Justice

Wet geluidshinder

Noise Abatement Act

No translation available

Wet Giraal Effectenverkeer (WGE)

Securities Giro Transfer Act

No translation available

Wet grenzen Nederlandse territoriale zee

Netherlands Territorial Sea (Demarcation) Act

As of 9 January 1985

Wet Haags bewijsverdrag

Hague Civil Evidence Convention Act

Netherlands Civil Evidence Act, Hebly (1998)

Wet handhaving consumentenbescherming

Consumer Protection Enforcement Act

No translation available

Wet identificatie bij dienstverlening (WID)

Personal Identification (Services) Act

Lapsed 31 July 2008

Ministry of Finance

Wet Implementatie kapitaal akkord Bazel 2 (kamerstukken II 30672)

Act Implementing Basel II Capital Accord


Wet Inkomstenbelasting

Personal Income Tax Act

No translation available

Wet Introductie Premiepensioeninstellingen (concept)

Premium Pension Institution Introduction Act (draft)

Explanatory memorandum

Ministry of Finance

Wet op de kansspelen (WKS)

Betting and Gaming Act

No translation available

Wet luchtverontreiniging

Air Pollution Act

No translation available

Wet melding collectief ontslag (WMCO)

Collective Dismissal Act

No translation available

Wet melding ongebruikelijke transacties (Wet MOT)

Disclosure of Unusual (Financial Services) Transactions Act

Repealed as of 31 July 2008. Both WID and Wet MOT have been replaced by Wet ter voorkoming van witwassen en financieren van terrorisme (Wwft)

Wet melding zeggenschap en kapitaalbelang in effectenuitgevende instellingen (Wmz 2006)

Act on the Disclosure of Major Holdings and Capital Interests in Securities-Issuing Institutions


Wet milieubeheer (Wm)

Environmental Management Act

As of May 2004

www.eel.nl for recent chapter (7) as of August 2006

Wet milieugevaarlijke stoffen

Act on Environmentally Hazardous Substances

No translation available

Wet op de naburige rechten

Neighbouring Rights Act

Unofficial translation by the Ministry of Justice

Wet onafhankelijke post en telecommunicatie autoriteit (OPTA wet)

Independent Post and Telecommunications Authority Act (OPTA law)

Dutch Telecommunications Law, Ejsvoogel (2000)

Wet op de ondernemingsraden (WOR)

Works Council Act

As of mid-2003. Also Model Rules of Procedure for Works Councils (Voorbeeldreglement ondernemingsraden)

Wet onderscheid arbeidsovereenkomst voor bepaalde en onbepaalde tijd

Equal Treatment (Temporary and Permanent Contract) Act


Wet oneerlijke handelspraktijken (Wet OHP)

Unfair Commercial Practices Act

No translation available

Wet Openbaarheid van Bestuur (WOB)

Act on public access to government information

20 May 2008


Wet Overdrachtsbelasting

Legal Transactions Act

No translation available

Wet publiek gezondheid (wpg)

Public Health Act

Public Health Decree

Public Heath Regulations

Wet op de Raad van Staat (Wet RvS)

Council of State Act

No translation available

Wet Ruimtelijke Ordening (WRO)

Spatial Planning Act


Amendment of the Spatial Planning Act in Respect of Land Development

Wet op de reïntegratie arbeidsgehandicapten (Wet REA)

Disabled Workers (Reintegration) Act

No translation available

Wet tarieven burgerlijke zaken

Act on tariffs in civil cases

No translation available

Wet op de telecommunicatievovoorzieningen (Wtv)

Telecommunications Facilities Act

Dutch Telecommunications Law, Ejsvoogel, De Ru (2002)

Wet op de Rechterlijke Organisatie (WRO)

Law on the organisation of the courts

No translation available

Wet toezicht accountantsorganisaties (Wta)

Audit Firms Supervision Act

As of 1 October 2006


Wet toezicht beleggingsinstellingen (Wtb)

Act on the Supervision of Collective Investment Schemes

2006, AFM

Wet toezicht collectieve beheersorganisaties auteurs- en naburige rechten

Act on the supervision of collective management organizations for copyright and related rights (2003)

Unofficial translation by the Ministry of Justice

Wet toezicht financiële verslaggeving (Wtfv)

Act on the Supervision of Financial Reporting

No translation available

Wet toezicht trustkantoren (Wtt)

Trust Offices Supervision Act

Includes Explanatory Memorandum

Unofficial translation by the Ministry of Justice

Wet verbod op onderscheid naar arbeidsduur

Working Hours (Discrimination) Act

1996, Ministry of Justice

Wet verontreiniging oppervlaktewateren

Act on Pollution of Surface Water

No translation available

Wet verplichte deelneeming in een bedrijfstakpensioenfonds (Wet Bpf)

The Compulsory Participation in a Company Pension Fund Act 2000

No translation available

Wet verplichte beroepspensioenregeling (Wvp)

Compulsory Professional Pension Scheme Act

No translation available

Wet voorkeursrecht Gemeenten (WvG)

Municipalities Preferential Rights Act

No translation available

Wet ter voorkoming van witwassen en financiering van terrorisme (Wwft)

Prevention of Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Act

1 August 2008, Ministry of Finance

Wet vrijwillige zetelverplaatsing derde landen

Voluntary Transfer of Seat to Third Countries Act

Companies and Business Legislation of the Netherlands


Wet op de waterhuishouding

Water Management Act

No translation available

Wet wijziging boetestelsel financiële sector (Boetewet)

Act amending the penalty system under financial legislation

As of 1 August 2009

No translation available

Wet tot wijziging van de Wet op het financieel toezicht en de Faillissementswet

Act amending the Financial Supervision Act and the Bankruptcy Act


Wetboek van Burgerlijke Rechtsvordering (Rv)

Code of Civil Procedure

Book 3 – Procedures of a Diverse Nature Companies and Business Legislation:

Wetboek van Koophandel (K)

Commercial Code (DCC)

Articles 6-11, Netherlands Civil Evidence Act, Hebly D.3.0.2

Wetboek van Strafrecht

Criminal Code

In-house translations of:

Articles 43, 435c, 76, 42, 70: International Committee of the Red Cross

Articles 90, 429, 137c-g: Leiden University

Wijzigingswet Wft 1

First Act amending the FSA

No translation available

Wijzigingswet Wft 2

Second Act amending the FSA

No translation available

Wijzigingsregeling financiële markten 2010



Wijzigingswet financiële markten 2010

Amendment of the Financial Supervision Act 2010


Wetboek van Strafvordering

Code of Criminal Procedure


Woningwet (Ww)

Housing Act

No translation available

Zorgverzekeringswet (Zvw)

Health Care Insurance Act

No translation available